Get coverage built to protect your business

Salam Livestock Insurance  helps to reduce the level of risks and financial uncertainties involved in the rearing of livestock. Get started now and enjoy peace of mind. Read on to see all that SALAM has to offer

What risks does your policy cover?

This policy insures livestock (e.g. cattle, sheep, goats, rabbits, and pigs) against death caused by fire, lightning, windstorm, flood, accident, outbreak of uncontrollable disease. The coverage provided by this policy indemnifies based on the value of insured animals in the event of death. The sum insured is dependent on the declared, and/or projected, market value of the animal.

Raising livestock for profit is one of the most risky aspects of operating a farming business that requires significant capital and time investment. Your ability to keep your animals healthy and safe ultimately determines your return when the time comes to profit from your investment.

The fact is that a single livestock disease can wipe out a pasture full of cattle or other livestock in a matter of days, leaving your business vulnerable to catastrophic financial loss as a result. Having a well-written livestock insurance policy protects your farming business from the unimaginable and minimizes the risk of loss due to unforeseen negative circumstances.
The policy runs for the expected duration of the trip.
You may cancel the policy at any time by notifying us in writing or via email using your registered email address. We may cancel the policy by giving you seven days’ written notice to your last known address. We will charge you on a pro rata basis for the time we have been on cover plus an administration fee and pay any refund due to you. There will be no refund if we have paid a claim or one is outstanding at the time you cancel your policy.​
In the event of a claim event:

  • Notify us of an incident as soon as possible by sending an email to [email protected] , calling us +234 806 565 7291 or using the report a claim form on the website

  • Upload/Submit all relevant documents

  • Claim is processed internally

  • Claim is Settled

  • Completed Claim form

  • Incident Report

  • Photographs showing damage (if available)

  • Police Report

  • Third Party Details (if it involves a Third Party)

Homeowners Takaful

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All Risk Takaful

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Fire & Special Perils

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Motor Comprehensive

Drive down your rates with car insurance discounts and premium

If you have any questions please contact us

For any inquiries relating to any of our products and services feel free to contact us .

Head office address:

No 65 Ibrahim Taiwo Road, Fagge , Kano, Kano State, Nigeria

Call for help:

+234 806 565 7291

Mail for information:

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