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Our Values Our Mission Our Vision
smiling woman
  • Service
  • Accountability
  • Leadership
  • Audacity
  • Mutuality
muslim women
To ethically manage financial risks for our customers’ peace of mind
To be the Takaful operator of ‘First Choice’ in Nigeria

Salam Takaful Insurance Company Limited headquarters is in Kano State with a branch office in Abuja and aims to soon have other offices in major urban areas in Nigeria as part of its strategic development.

The company offers selected Family (Life) Takaful and General (Non-Life) Takaful including retail takaful products that are appropriate and suitable for the market and country needs.

Adekunle Kasim

Abdul A. Kasim

Managing Director & CEO

Featured Takaful Products

Life happens. But having the right takaful solutions can make facing the unforeseeable easier. At Salam Takaful, we are committed to helping you safeguard what you have today and prepare for tomorrow so you can protect the ones you love and the things you cherish

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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