Featured services The fields on which we provide our services. CLASSES OF INSURANCE GENERAL BUSINESS TAKAFULThese policies are designed to meet the insurance needs of people and corporate bodies in connection to materialistic loss or damage done due to any catastrophic condition.We offer policies in the following classes:Fire/Property TakafulMarine TakafulMotor TakafulMiscellaneous General Business Takaful AGRICULTURAL TAKAFULAgricultural insurance protects against loss of or damage to crops or livestock. It has great potential to provide value to low-income farmers and their communities, both by protecting farmers when shocks occur and by encouraging greater investment in cropsWe offer policies in the following classes:Livestock Takaful InsurancePoultry Takaful InsuranceCrop Takaful InsuranceFarm Products and Machinery Takaful FAMILY TAKAFULFamily takaful provides you with a protection and long-term savings. You or your beneficiary will be provided with financial benefits if you suffer a tragedyWe offer policies in the following classes:Credit Family TakafulTerm Assurance TakafulMortgage Family TakafulGroup Family TakafulWorld Traveler OUR PRODUCTS Salam Group Tuition Insurance + Fire & Special Perils + All Risk Takaful + Multi-Peril Crop Insurance + Livestock Insurance + Marine Cargo + Money in Transit Takaful + Credit Takaful + 1 2