Get coverage to protect your business.

Salam My  Credit Takaful  is a policy purchased by a borrower that pays off one or more existing debts in the event of a death, disability, or in rare cases, unemployment.  Get started now and enjoy peace of mind. Read on to see all that SALAM has to offer.

What a the features of this policy?

This policy provides protection on death of the participant (who is the recipient of the financing amount) on the outstanding financing amount financed by a recognized Bank or Financial institution.

In the event of a death or disability of the participant, Salam Takaful takes responsibility for repaying the amount of the loan assured outstanding as at the time of the the participant death

This policy is without profits

Credit -takaful
  • In the event of death, the dependents of the participants do not have to worry about the repayments for the loan assured

  • In the event of death, the creditor (i.e. Bank ) is assured of of full repayment of the outstanding loan. This enables the creditor to offer improved loans to the borrower
  • The policy can runs for the duration of the loan. Premium can either be a single or annual payment
    You may cancel the policy at any time by notifying us in writing or via email using your registered email address. We may cancel the policy by giving you seven days’ written notice to your last known address. We will charge you on a pro rata basis for the time we have been on cover plus an administration fee and pay any refund due to you.
    In the event of a claim event:

    • Notify us of incident as soon as possible by sending an email to [email protected] , calling us +234 806 565 7291 or using the report a claim form on the website

    • Upload/Submit all relevant documents

    • Claim is processed internally

    • Claim is Settled

    • Completed Claim form

    • Incident Report

    • Police Report (if it involves a Third Party)

    • Third Party Details (if it involves a Third Party)

    Credit Takaful

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      Get a insurance quote – typically in 15 minutes or less. Switch to Salam Takaful for an insurance policy from a brand you can trust.

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      Mortgage Takaful

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      Guarantying the continued education of your Child in case of unfortunate events

      Group Family Takaful

      Provide financial compensation to dependents in the event of the death of a group member

      Homeowners Takaful

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      If you have any questions please contact us

      For any inquiries relating to any of our products and services feel free to contact us .

      Head office address:

      No 65 Ibrahim Taiwo Road, Fagge , Kano, Kano State, Nigeria

      Call for help:

      +234 806 565 7291

      Mail for information:

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      At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

      Melbourne, Australia
      (Sat - Thursday)
      (10am - 05 pm)