Ahmed Gani

Ahmed Gani

Who is Ahmed Gani?

Alhaji Ahmad Gani BSc, MBA, ICPAN, ACA before his present position was a Practicing Chartered
Accountant with Metala Salihu & Co and lecturer at ICAN/NDDC Centre at Murtala Muhammad Library,

His working experiences spans over 30 years which began in 1988 as an Executive Officer Accounts Federal Ministry of Finance Lagos. Thereafter, he worked with various private and commercial organizations at senior and top level management Positions. Top among these organizations were NICON insurance, Nigerian Agricultural Insurance Company, UnityKapital Assurance and Halal Takaful as financial planner.

Ahmad attended several National and International courses, conferences and Seminars on Finance,
Investment, Islamic Banking and Finance and Takaful operations. He is happily married with Children.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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